
Suffering in Recovery (Part 1) - Two Types of Pain
Just as God set up our bodies to alert us when something harmful is happening, He’s also done the same with our souls. CS Lewis said, “Pain insists on being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, he speaks in our conscience, but he shouts in our pain. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” Pain is evidence something is wrong and needs to be attended to. For years we have numbed the pain in our souls with drugs and alcohol, afflicting ourselves with a spiritual form of CIPA, but now that the drugs have been removed, we must deal with these soul afflictions.

Freedom From Anxiety
True peace is possible. God doesn’t want you to be trapped by anxiety. Therefore, operate in the authority God has given you by casting out the spirit of fear. And through the mountaintops and valleys of this journey, let’s press on in what God has called us to in spite of the opposition. God is greater than anxiety.

Where Should We Hide?
Life and ministry are sometimes very difficult. The internal and external pressure and stress sometimes leaves us feeling depleted and discouraged. When we feel this way for an extended amount of time, we all feel the God-given need to retreat. We are like an athlete in the NCAA tournament who has played a great game and needs to get his body and mind ready for the next game two days later. We are like a NASCAR driver who needs to come in for fuel to be able to finish the race. God made us all dependent beings and has made us with the need to retreat and hide out. The question we must answer is where are we hiding? Where do we run when we are running on E?

Dealing With The Fear Of Burnout
We don’t need to be afraid of burnout if the Spirit of God is our fire. Yes, take a Sabbath and rest often, but don’t play it safe in hopes of not burning out. The life Jesus has for us is not one of tame mediocrity, but of power in the Holy Spirit.

How to Never Fall…
Do you want to stay faithful to your calling for the rest of your life? Do you want to stay faithful to your wife until death do you part? Do you want to stay faithful to Jesus until He takes you home?
Over the past few years, many Christian leaders who I look up to have “fallen away.” Some have burned out and others have had a complete moral failure. With these leaders heavy on my heart, I have been searching the Scriptures trying to learn how to prevent this in my own life and the lives of my friends who are in ministry.

Restored JOY in Ministry
Do you feel like your spiritual joy in God has run dry? Do you long for the fresh joy that you once felt when you were a new believer? Are you doing everything you know how to in order to grow spiritually, but still feel stagnant?

Secret Places
This one thing has been behind EVERY spiritual leader who has ever been disqualified. This one thing is behind EVERY moral failure in a person’s life. This one thing is behind EVERY broken marriage. This one thing will either ruin or fuel our lives, marriages, and ministries. This one thing is: the Secret Places of our lives and hearts.
Who are you when nobody's watching?

How I Got Arrested On My Honeymoon (seriously)... and 3 Other Thoughts
I literally got arrested coming back from my honeymoon…
Kathleen and I got married on January 7th. The wedding was incredible. The honeymoon in Punta Cana was even better... until we got back into the US and had to go through customs. Kathleen and I were flagged and put in a room with less than 10 other people (not a good sign). The room eventually cleared, and it was just us (really not a good sign)...

The Most Important Thing - Church Leader Devotional
It's more important than systems, strategies, and staffing. It’s more important than learning, growing, and disciplines. It’s more important than your team, your kids, and even your marriage. If we get this, we will enjoy ministry more, be exponentially more effective, reach many more people, and have a greater possibility of finishing well. If we don’t get this, we will fall into joyless duty, spin our wheels in meaningless hard toil, and have a greater possibility of quitting early.

Permission to Dream Bigger
What is the dream that you have for your life? What is the vision God has given you for your life? What is your dream for your church or ministry?
If those dreams don't give you butterflies and make you feel fairly uncomfortable, they're probably making God yawn. Better yet, they are probably insulting to Him.