
Playing the Long Game
Chris Dew Chris Dew

Playing the Long Game

Just like on a long road trip, we often ask God this question about our dreams and promises. This blog is geared to help remind us that God is playing the long game in our lives.

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5 Keys to Winning in Life: Wisdom from Proverbs
Chris Dew Chris Dew

5 Keys to Winning in Life: Wisdom from Proverbs

The wisdom of Proverbs isn't just ancient philosophy; it's a practical guide for winning at life. By aligning our lives with these principles, we can move from frantic activity to purposeful living, making an impact that lasts far beyond our own lifetimes.

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Captivating Beauty in the Midst of Exile
Chris Dew Chris Dew

Captivating Beauty in the Midst of Exile

This approach to politics won't always be easy. It may not lead to immediate political victories. But it aligns with God's heart and His ultimate plan for redemption. As we live this way, we become living testimonies to a different kind of kingdom - one not of this world, but one that's breaking into this world through the lives of faithful believers.

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Hope and Holiness in a Secular Age
Chris Dew Chris Dew

Hope and Holiness in a Secular Age

In a world that seems to be shifting beneath our feet, how do we as Christians navigate the changing tides of culture and society? As the views of Christians and their ethics move from being honored to viewed as weird, and potentially even harmful, we find ourselves in a position not unlike believers throughout history. For two thousand years, Christians have faced the challenge of living faithfully in environments that range from indifferent to hostile.

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Generative Leadership
Chris Dew Chris Dew

Generative Leadership

I believe generative leadership is the one key thing to look for in identifying leaders, staff members, church planters, and almost any other leadership role in the Body of Christ. It's my belief that valuing generative leadership is what causes organic growth and the lack of generative leadership causes churches, movements, and organizations to stall and begin to decline. In the age of overly specialized roles in overly event-driven ministries, we begin to hire people who can get the job done, rather than reproduce Kingdom fruit. I think there's a better way...

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Ministry in Late Modernity
Chris Dew Chris Dew

Ministry in Late Modernity

The Church in the West has been in sharp decline for many years and is in need of what Lesslie Newbigin calls a “fresh missionary encounter." This short paper aims to give greater insight into Western culture in the twenty-first century, empower preachers to contextualize the Gospel better, and equip pastors to lead their churches into more significant measures of courageous, humble Gospel witness.

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Overcoming Panic Attacks
Chris Dew Chris Dew

Overcoming Panic Attacks

Today marks one year since I had one of the scariest experiences of my life. I was preparing to preach the following weekend and had multiple panic attacks over two days. I felt impending doom, tears began rolling down my cheeks, and preaching was the last thing I wanted to do. For the first time in my life, I called out of a speaking event due to anxiety. I’m writing this post now because I have healed enough to offer some helpful things I’ve learned over the past year to manage and grow in freedom in this area. I hope my experience can encourage you if you deal with panic attacks or anxiety, show that you’re not alone, and give you some practical tips on living with greater freedom.

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3 Principles for Christian Political Engagement
Chris Dew Chris Dew

3 Principles for Christian Political Engagement

One of the most pressing issues for Christians in this cultural moment is how we should interact with politics. With which party should we align? Should we remain silent or should we be outspoken? Should we run for office or retreat into exclusively Christian communities? This topic should lead us to think deeply and prayerfully consider our words and ways.

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Some Thoughts on Racial Tensions in America
Chris Dew Chris Dew

Some Thoughts on Racial Tensions in America

With all of the racial tension that’s been building in America, I have spent hundreds of hours listening, learning, and thinking deeply. I’ve had many conversations with black and brown friends explaining heartbreaking stories. I’ve had many conversations with white friends explaining their experiences and views, sometimes pushing back against claims of systemic racism. I’ve read many books and listened to many podcasts that talk about the realities of racism, as well as many that caution against false ideologies, like critical theory. I’ve listened to news anchors talk about how another black person was killed and others talk about building burning from the riots. I’ve watched hostility and arguments brew. I’ve seen people leave the church because the pastor said too much or too little. I’ve had lots of feelings and have done research on statistics highlighting racial disparities, trying to get behind the political narratives to the facts, and have been left wanting. The worship service gave me a picture of what I have been longing for…

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3 Ways for the Body of Christ to Promote Racial Reconciliation
Chris Dew Chris Dew

3 Ways for the Body of Christ to Promote Racial Reconciliation

“Most African Americans have had at least two life-altering experiences that are burned into their memory—the moment they realized they were black and the moment they realized that was a problem.” (Excerpt by Dr. Eric Mason from his book “Woke Church”)

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7 Reasons Why Itinerant Evangelists are Needed in the Church Today
Chris Dew Chris Dew

7 Reasons Why Itinerant Evangelists are Needed in the Church Today

Since before beginning to travel the world preaching the Gospel, I wrestled with the legitimacy of the calling of a traveling evangelist. I had heard stories of people doing it wrong, seeking fame and fortune, and having moral failures. I heard people mocking this calling, and encouraging people to become a pastor instead because the role of the evangelist was unneeded or illegitimate. I wrestled with the calling in prayer, asked the elders at my church for wisdom, and got advice from people who knew me well. I concluded and still believe that the role of the traveling evangelist is not only legitimate but also very needed in the Church today. Here are a few reasons why…

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Six Steps to Giving a Successful Invitation
Chris Dew Chris Dew

Six Steps to Giving a Successful Invitation

The Gospel is not merely something to think about, but something to respond to. The Gospel requires a response. We can either accept Jesus’ offer or we can reject Him. In this short article, I’m going to offer six steps to give an effective invitation, so God’s appeal to His beloved is as clear as possible.

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Intimacy is Found on the Battlefield
Chris Dew Chris Dew

Intimacy is Found on the Battlefield

…Many Christians are experiencing the same thing. We read all the books, listen to all the podcasts, attend all the church events, but still don’t feel satisfied. What if the reason we feel bored and unsatisfied is that sonship is meant to lead to the battlefield, rather than the safety of the castle? What if intimacy with the King isn’t found in the safety of cultural Christianity, but on the battlefield? What if the intimacy we long for won’t ever be found in more spiritual disciplines, but in wild mission?

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How to Crush 2020
Chris Dew Chris Dew

How to Crush 2020

God wants us to pray, plan, and bear fruit. The new year is a great time to evaluate our plans and make new plans for this next year. We should hold these plans with open hands, trusting that God’s plan trumps our plans every time; but this doesn’t mean that we don’t make plans. Godly plans honor God and advance His Kingdom.

So, HOW do we do this?

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Suffering in Recovery (Part 2) - Four Benefits of Pain
Chris Dew Chris Dew

Suffering in Recovery (Part 2) - Four Benefits of Pain

God does not promise you an easy life on this side of eternity, but He does promise He will be with you through it all and He will be enough regardless of your circumstances. In part one of this series we began a conversation about pain and suffering. We looked at two types of pain all people experience, internal and external. In this article, we are going to look at four benefits of pain in the life of the believer.

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Suffering in Recovery (Part 1) - Two Types of Pain
Chris Dew Chris Dew

Suffering in Recovery (Part 1) - Two Types of Pain

Just as God set up our bodies to alert us when something harmful is happening, He’s also done the same with our souls. CS Lewis said, “Pain insists on being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, he speaks in our conscience, but he shouts in our pain. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” Pain is evidence something is wrong and needs to be attended to. For years we have numbed the pain in our souls with drugs and alcohol, afflicting ourselves with a spiritual form of CIPA, but now that the drugs have been removed, we must deal with these soul afflictions.

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